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Classify Product Title User name Reply Last update
Request TE25 uninstall dlfmap 1 2003-03-24 20:28:32
Request TE25 Reduce file size to make one VCD wolly12 2 2003-03-24 22:01:26
Question TE25 How to get rid of free version after I bought program, it doestn work jdub 1 2003-03-24 10:57:44
Question TE25 "Paused Frames" Problem cjohnson 0 2003-03-24 06:05:16
Question TE25 "Paused Frames" Problem cjohnson 1 2003-03-24 05:59:27
Question TE25 AVI Audio/Video KAJNC 1 2003-03-24 05:53:55
Question TE25 how to change the video frame size of an mpeg file fozynuts 1 2003-03-24 05:51:51
Question TE25 read error address bff7a125 ken 0 2003-03-24 02:29:15
Question TE25 Trouble with SIZE Moley 2 2003-03-24 01:36:52
Question TE25 read and write errors : bad ram or crappy codec ? Tarek 4 2003-03-25 22:42:19
Question TE25 Sound but No Picture? HELP!! SteveB187 2 2003-03-30 12:12:04
Question TE25 SUGGESTIONS ON CONVERTING TO VCD FORMAT Destiny 4 2003-03-24 07:53:40

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Request - TE25 - uninstall No.35749
dlfmap  2003-03-24 14:49:46 ( ID:eeylgaggea2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Would someone please explain how to ininstall Tmpg v 2.510. it does not show up in my installed programs

minion  2003-03-24 20:28:32 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

First thing is You don"t install Tmpgenc in the First place so you don"t Uninstall it, You just take the Folder with all of the Tmpgenc files and delete it....

Request - TE25 - Reduce file size to make one VCD No.35746
wolly12  2003-03-24 14:21:40 ( ID:wocjmztddth )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have a 95min AVI file on my computer which I would like to burn as a VCD.
I tried to use TMPG with the MPEG1 VCD(non standart) settings and a reduced video and audio bitrate to get a mpeg file smaller than 700MB.
The bitrate settings in the wizard are showing me that the movie should come out below 700MB, but when I start encoding, I stil need approx. 10MB/min of film.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

minion  2003-03-24 20:26:32 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Why do you want it to come out below 700mb??? You can fit a lot More than that on a CD-R, you can fit up to 800mb+ on to a 700mb 80 min CD-R..I hope you realize that if you put a 95 minute movie on a single CD-R the Quality while watching on your TV will be Just awefull.....

Ashy  2003-03-24 22:01:26 ( ID:n3gjkhi6dvc )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Which version are you using. One of the versions has a bug which causes this. I think it was v2.58.


Question - TE25 - How to get rid of free version after I bought program, it doestn work No.35744
jdub  2003-03-24 06:41:43 ( ID:ma6n7wfyka2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

hi everyone, my free version just expired and i bought the new version with the serial code. but every time i start it up it tells me my free version has expired, where do I put the serial code??? this is really starting to upset me since i need to use this program and cant get past the free version to enter my serial number


minion  2003-03-24 10:57:44 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

When you Buy Tmpgenc you don"t Buy the Free version the Free version is free so there is no need to Buy it, What you need to download is the "Plus" version, See on the Bottom here were the Banner that says "Tmpgenc Plus" well Click that, then go and download the "Plus" version..

Question - TE25 - "Paused Frames" Problem No.35743
cjohnson  2003-03-24 06:05:16 ( ID:i4a2huq5vpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am having an odd problem in which certain frames "pause" every so often only during the first 6 minutes of a 90 minute encode. The video will play fine, when all of sudden the picture will "jerk." Upon slow motion inspection I noticed certain frames get played twice (or paused for an extra frame). This creates a jerk in the video.

Oddly, the problem only exists during the first 6 minutes of a 90 minute encoding. I checked, doubled checked, and triple checked the source and all frames are in tact there. It is no a source file problem.

If I enocde a few seconds on the section that behaves with the "pausing" problem, it does not occur.

Making matters more interesting, the same file encoded using Quicktime plays fine (although the quality is no where near as good.)

I have tried every setting possible and made sure they were correct for MPEG-2. It occurs in VBR and CBR encodes. I have used 8 bit and 10bit methods. I have tried scene detect on or off. I have made sure the frame rate is 29.97.

Does anyone have thsi problem? Can anyone shed some light. I hav spent days, weeks, months trying to fgure out why it does this to no avail.

The file is coming out of Avid Xpress DV as one large Quicktime file. I use the Quicktime reader plug-in. TMPGENC has no problems encoding. In fact, it looks really good, but for the "paused" frames on playback.

Any help would be appreciated.

Question - TE25 - "Paused Frames" Problem No.35741
cjohnson  2003-03-24 05:48:24 ( ID:i4a2huq5vpw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I am having an odd problem in which certain frames "pause" every so often only during the first 6 minutes of a 90 minute encode. The video will play fine, when all of sudden the picture will "jerk." Upon slow motion inspection I noticed certain frames get played twice (or paused for an extra frame). This creates a jerk in the video.

Oddly, the problem only exists during the first 6 minutes of a 90 minute encoding. I checked, doubled checked, and triple checked the source and all frames are in tact there. It is no a source file problem.

If I enocde a few seconds on the section that behaves with the "pausing" problem, it does not occur.

Making matters more interesting, the same file encoded using Quicktime plays fine (although the quality is no where near as good.)

I have tried every setting possible and made sure they were correct for MPEG-2. It occurs in VBR and CBR encodes. I have used 8 bit and 10bit methods. I have tried scene detect on or off. I have made sure the frame rate is 29.97.

Does anyone have thsi problem? Can anyone shed some light. I hav spent days, weeks, months trying to fgure out why it does this to no avail.

The file is coming out of Avid Xpress DV as one large Quicktime file. I use the Quicktime reader plug-in. TMPGENC has no problems encoding. In fact, it looks really good, but for the "paused" frames on playback.

Any help would be appreciated.

minion  2003-03-24 05:59:27 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Have you made sure that your Source file has the Frame rate of "29.97fps" also???? The source file has to have the same frame rate as the Mpeg file you are encodeing to...You figure if you have spent Days, Weeks ,Months, trying to figure this out you would have tried a Different encoder, there are other encoders that Natively support Quicktime files and produce Simular Quality mpeg2 files as Tmpgenc and will Probably do it faster...

Question - TE25 - AVI Audio/Video No.35739
KAJNC  2003-03-24 04:47:49 ( ID:ciwzqpsexmo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I took a AVI file with audio and video and put it in the wizard to create a mpeg file. TMPG askes to select both a video and a audio input, I select my input avi file and generate the mpeg. The output doesn't have any audio.

Any ideas?

minion  2003-03-24 05:53:55 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

You have allready asked this same Question 2 times, and the First Person told you what you had to do, You have to extract the audio from your AVI file to a WAV file then use the "WAV" file as the audio source in Tmpgenc...You can do this with "Virtual dub" or "AVI-MuX"....

Question - TE25 - how to change the video frame size of an mpeg file No.35737
fozynuts  2003-03-24 04:28:11 ( ID:9pjo9a8thng )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

can anybody tell me the step by step procedure on how to change the video frame size of an mpeg file using tmpgenc. thanks in advanced

minion  2003-03-24 05:51:51 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well that is simple..Just load in your File, then click the "Settings" Button in the Bottom Right corner, then go to the "Video" settings Page, and were it says "Size" click on it and set it to "Unlock" then adjust the resolution...Thats It....

Question - TE25 - read error address bff7a125 No.35736
ken  2003-03-24 02:29:15 ( ID:drpq7m4b77. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

i receive a read error at address bff7a125 kernel32.dll with 007dffec, when i try to start an m1v file with es(video only) setting! i deleted everything from my tmpgenc folder and reinstalled it, but it keeps happening! what is wrong?

Question - TE25 - Trouble with SIZE No.35733
Moley  2003-03-24 00:04:38 ( ID:a9w4awoidhn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have created an avi file in a 3d graphic program.
It's frame size is 704 x 576
i have set the aspect ratio in tmpgenc to 4:3 675 line (PAL 704x576)

However in the video settings it tells me the size is 480x576
and these settings are greyed out and i can not adjust them

this is confirmed when i try to import the resulting mpeg2 file into my DVD authoring software it tells me the file is of an unsupported aspect ratio

How can i ensure that the mpeg2 ends up with the same frame size as the original avi?

thanks in advance - very confused

Ashy  2003-03-24 00:45:42 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well obviously you have selected an SVCD template. You should have selected the DVD template and to unlock the settings load the unlock.mcf template.


moley  2003-03-24 01:36:52 ( ID:a9w4awoidhn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

thankyou, especially for the quick reply

Question - TE25 - read and write errors : bad ram or crappy codec ? No.35728
Tarek  2003-03-23 23:29:37 ( ID:8jrluewfgan )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]


I keep on having read/write errors,
errors on P3Package.dll, etc..
this problems occurs in most avis i am trying
to convert.

First of all, i know this point is not a tmpegenc
bug, as i am using the program for months
and it worked perfectly.

But for weeks now i can't encode anymore.

I guess i have installed some crappy codec
or something like that.

On the other hand this bug looks like
a bug you can have with a bad ram.
(errors on memory sectors)

My ram is cheap and i was wondering
if i could come from that.

So here's my question :

i am pretty sure a lot of people out there
have or had the same problem.

So, people, if you have found the problem,
what was it : bad ram or crappy codec ?


minion  2003-03-24 05:48:17 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I don"t think it is a Codec But it sure can be Cheap Ram, if you have 2 different Brands of Ram try takeing out the Cheap Stick and see if it works...

Tarek  2003-03-25 21:39:41 ( ID:ium1s7mvpkj )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I have tested my ram with a real god product, mem test 86,
which is working (it detected a lot of errors on another
ram i had).
It says my actual ram is OK.

I just have one RAM so i can't be a two rams problem.

The annoying thing is that I have used TMPegenc for months
without any problem. :(

This problem occurs on every avi.

I have tried other known products and...
they hanging too....

so :

> it is not a TMPEGEnc bug

I am on Win2k

So i have tried to run tmpeg enc on another
OS, ( windows 98 )
a fresh one, clean as it can be, and ...
the same problem occured.

I have tested those avis for bad frames, bad sound
but no results.

I am thinking that maybe my CPU is getting weirdo
when it works hard for a while..

Or maybe it is because i use a software to cool down
the cpu....

Well, i don't have any clue. :(

This is too bad.

How i am going to make vcds out of my vacations
videos now ?

jack  2003-03-25 22:20:56 ( ID:hopuwio3fbn )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Same problem here. TMPGEnc often shows read errors.

I tested the same file again many times. Sometimes TMPG encodes it without any problems. But often it interrupts encoding with an read-error. I don't want to disable those "MMX" or "MMX2" option, because it speeds up encoding a lot. And even with disabled "MMX" TMPG interrupts encoding sometimes. :(

AMD XP 2000+, 256 MB, WinXP

Tarek  2003-03-25 22:42:19 ( ID:bhakdhwuuij )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Same here : Athlon 2000+,256 m,win 2k

i am searching infos everywhere on the web about this but i can't
get a clue...

i am thinking of trying an older version of tmpeg
to see if it works...

tell me if you get infos :)

Question - TE25 - Sound but No Picture? HELP!! No.35725
SteveB187  2003-03-23 23:07:58 ( ID:ur5w0ckjg4c )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

I'm having a problem. Everytime I convert an AVI to a MPG the convertion goes fine. However, I can not see the picture it is completly black but the audio works fine. I have tried many different setting as well as MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. What is the deal? Why can't I get a picture? Thanks.

minion  2003-03-24 05:41:14 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

If you can"t see the image as you are encodeing then there isn"t going to be an image in the file, Try raiseing the Priority if the "Direct show file reader" in the "Vfapi Plugins" this should get the image to show up...

Philendar  2003-03-30 12:12:04 ( ID:nhlpnkkeowo )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Try to uncheck the avi2 line (prior 0), it could resolve your problem

Destiny  2003-03-23 18:24:48 ( ID:eeylgaggea2 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]




Ashy  2003-03-23 19:37:11 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

The first suggestion I can gave you is to stop using CAPs to write your message or have your posts removed.

Secondly why do you wish to not use NERO for creating VCD?


minion  2003-03-23 22:29:26 ( ID:a6p1jd3ovjw )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

VCDEasy is Fairly good, But there is No Converting the mpeg to VCD the mpeg IS VCD and just needs to be burned to a CD-R...

Ashy  2003-03-24 00:18:20 ( ID:4adzcnohuc. )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Well technically speaking an MPEG is not a VCD until it has been burned into the correct format on disk, but I understand where you're coming from Minion.


alanhe  2003-03-24 07:53:40 ( ID:jrqyidhpbx6 )   [ Delete / Reply with quotation ]

Destiny - are you using the correct template within TMPGe ie PAL or NTSC VCD??

All you need to do is then drop it into Nero - works every time.


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